SoCalGas Alerting Public About Scams

SoCalGas Alerting Public About Scams

In light of recent events, SoCalGas is alerting the public about scams involving individuals posing as utility company representatives. interviewed Denise Campos, a spokesperson for SoCalGas, to learn how you can protect yourself from these fraudsters.

“We’ve heard that scammers are visiting residents’ homes, wearing hard hats or neon vests to appear legitimate. They might ask for information we would never request. There are also online search engine scams when customers search for our website,” said Campos.

This global utility company advises customers to be aware that unannounced visits are not from employees, even if they pretend to be by calling office staff and questioning victims about their company.

“They might offer maximum comfort and security by partnering with a company. So, if someone comes to check something at your home unrequested, it could be a reason to be suspicious,” Campos explained to Scam Recovery.

Stay vigilant and always verify the identity of anyone claiming to represent SoCalGas to protect yourself from potential scams.